Psychometric & Cognitive Test
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What is a psychometric test?
A psychometric test is an assessment designed to measure cognitive ability, personality or work behaviour, to indicate the potential of a job candidate to excel in a specific position or career. Psychometric testing takes various forms (eg numerical, mechanical, logical or verbal reasoning).
Usually sat online, psychometric tests may also be administered in person at an assessment centre. The tests are intended to streamline the recruitment process and reveal top applicants efficiently.
They are now a common hurdle, particularly in graduate scheme applications. The tests are often used in tandem with each other, the chosen test selection dictated by the career sector to which the applicant is applying.
Psychometric test scores do not stand alone but are often considered in combination with candidate CVs, cover letters and other assessment rounds such as more tailored, sector-specific tasks, role play scenarios and group interviews.
The value of performing well in psychometric testing should not, however, be overlooked. A high psychometric test score will dramatically increase your chances of securing a final stage interview.
What is a cognitive test?
A cognitive test checks for problems with your mental function (how your brain processes thoughts). The test involves answering simple questions and performing simple tests.
The test is also called a cognitive screening test or cognitive assessment.
What is cognition?
Cognition is your brain’s ability to process all the information it takes in from your senses. Your brain is your body’s thought processing center.
Cognition involves intellectual activities, including:
Understanding and using language.
Paying attention.
Making decisions.
Applying judgment.
Why might I need cognitive testing?
Cognitive tests are usually done if there’s a suspicion of mental decline or impairment. You may have noticed such a decline yourself or a close friend or family member may have noticed.